myViotel User Guide

The starting point for your Device, myViotel is here to help you monitor and manage your device while it is out in the field.

  • Group Devices together into Projects;

  • Track device location using its internal GPS;

  • Monitor Device health metrics: Battery, Temperature, Reception;

  • View and Export Device Observation data;

  • Be notified when certain Device conditions change.

You can access myViotel by browsing to 

Registering your Organisation

Registering a new account with myViotel is a simple 3-step process:

1. From the login screen, click the Sign up link.

2. Enter your Organisation details alongside the details of your first Admin User

3. Read and Accept the Application Terms and Conditions

Managing your Users

Once you have your Organisation setup, you can create as many User accounts as you want. Each User account can be subject to various restrictions based on the Roles and Permissions selected, and further limited to which Projects and Dashboards each user can access.

The current selection of Roles are:

  • Admin: Full Device and User management;
  • Viewer: Limited Device management; and
  • Dashboard Viewer: Read-only data access to Dashboards.

Additional permission restrictions can also be applied that can prevent (for example):

  • Data from being emailed to non-Organisation email addresses,
  • Claiming and transferring of Devices,
  • Managing Devices and Calibration settings.

Creating Users

  1. When logged in as an Administrator, select “Users” from the sidebar.
  2. Enter the user’s personal details (email address will be used as their login Username)

A temporary password can be auto-generated and sent to the email address provided for added security.

Manage Existing Users

Once a User account has been created, managing their details is fairly straight-forward.

From this screen, you are able to manage additional security settings such as:

  • Limiting which sub-permissions they have,
  • Restricting which Projects and Dashboards they can view or manage, and
  • Reset their password.


Claiming a Device

Once you are ready to setup your Device, you can “Claim” it into your myViotel Organisation account.

  • From either the Device or Project screens, click “Add a Device”


2. Type in the “viot” number noted on the Device, and click “Claim”.

After a short wait, you will see your Device listed in either the Project that you added it to, or to an “Unallocated Devices” project from which you can Transfer the Device to another Project.

Each Device you have claimed will appear on a map view for easy tracking. Alert Emails can be set up and sent automatically should we detect that a Device has moved a significant distance.

As Devices move around, they will automatically subscribe to any Weather Station (in Australia) located within a 5km radius (as indicated by the Blue marker on the map).

Viewing Device Status

Once you have Claimed your Viotel Device as your own, you will be able to monitor its status from the Device page.

The Device page has 4 main sections:

  • Details: here you can manage basic metadata of the Device such as who installed it, when, and what the current Battery Status is.
  • Data: This section will allow you to view Device Observations and export data for a date range to an email.
  • Alerts: Manage your alert thresholds and recipients, and set your Device’s Baseline reading. We currently allow for three levels of Alerts (Green, Amber, and Red). You can customise the alert recipients for each level depending on escalating severity.
  • Settings: Manage additional Device settings such as Sample and Upload Rates, and answer any Device Calibration questions we may need to know to process and understand your data.

Downloading Data

From the Device Data Tab, you will see a button to Export your Data. Clicking this will show a form that will allow you to specify the Date Range that you are interested in, as well as provide one or more email addresses to send this data to.

At some point after clicking the Export button, the data will be collated and emailed to the addresses specified. Depending on a User’s permission settings, they may not be able to export data to non-Organisation email addresses.

Smart Barrier Node

Alert Setup - Smart Barrier Node

myViotel supports two types of alerts: System defined, and User defined.

System defined alerts have preset conditions and are built to signal when:

  • A Wire Rope device has detected an impact,
  • Any trackable Device has changed locations,
  • Any Device has missed a scheduled check-in.

User defined alerts require a User to specify a metric to track, and a set of threshold values to monitor for, for each alert level.

User defined alerts are triggered when 3 consecutive observations for the metric you are monitoring have breached your threshold values, and are “recovered” when 3 consecutive observations have returned back to normal operating conditions.

  1. From the Device Alerts Tab, enable the Alert Level by toggling the appropriate switch
  2. Click “Add / Edit reading to monitor” to select the Measurement to observe, and specify the threshold values


  1. A threshold can be set up as one of >=, <= or +/-. The +/- is defined as a delta from your Baseline reading value.


  1. To set your Baseline value, scroll to the bottom of the Alerts Tab and click “Set base reading”


  1. From here you will be able to specify one of either “Most recent reading”, “Next reading”, or select a date/time to use.


Monthly Reports and email Alerts

Vehicle impact alerts can be sent to mobile phones/email of emergency response maintenance personnel and asset managers with links to Google Maps of the exact barrier location. The Viotel Smart Barrier system is configurable to other IoT platforms and asset management reporting systems.

Contact [email protected] to set up automated reports.

Vibrating Wire Node

Alert Setup - Vibrating Wire Node

myViotel supports two types of alerts: System defined, and User defined.

System defined alerts have preset conditions and are built to signal when:

  • Any trackable Device has changed locations,
  • Any Device has missed a scheduled check-in.

User defined alerts require a User to specify a metric to track, and a set of threshold values to monitor for, for each alert level.

User defined alerts are triggered when 3 consecutive observations for the metric you are monitoring have breached your threshold values, and are “recovered” when 3 consecutive observations have returned back to normal operating conditions.

  1. From the Device Alerts Tab, enable the Alert Level by toggling the appropriate switch
  2. Click “Add / Edit reading to monitor” to select the Measurement to observe, and specify the threshold values


  1. A threshold can be set up as one of >=, <= or +/-. The +/- is defined as a delta from your Baseline reading value.


  1. To set your Baseline value, scroll to the bottom of the Alerts Tab and click “Set base reading”


  1. From here you will be able to specify one of either “Most recent reading”, “Next reading”, or select a date/time to use.


Device Settings and Configuration - Vibrating Wire Node

The Device Settings Tab is where you can control the main calibration of the Device and its connected sensors.

Depending on the Device Type you may have different settings to change including the Sampling Rate, the Upload Rate and Upload Mode. Each one of these settings will affect the battery life of the Device, so use discretion as appropriate.

Sensor calibration allows you to input some additional information about the device and how it was installed. These settings are used when processing the raw observations from the Device into processed values such as Degrees to Displacement or Pressure to Depth.

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